Our Elementary Division is made up of PreK-5th grades. Parents of elementary students follow their own Language Arts & Math programs with their children. The instruction offered by NSCA is complementary to the Language Arts and Math done at home and does not replace it.
Students K-5 are required to complete weekly assigned homework and periodic projects and tests. Progress Reports are issued for all grade levels. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:45 to 2:35.
PreK-2nd Grades
To enter PreK, a student must be 4 years old by 10/31 and potty trained. PreK-2nd are in self-contained classrooms divided by grade. Students work on basic skills along with:
Chapel/Small Group Discipleship
In PreK and K, NSCA partners with parents by providing some instruction in reading, allowing students to progress to other subjects once reading has been firmly established.
3rd-5th Grades:
Students in grades 3-5 are divided into classes by grade and switch classrooms for each subject:
History (including Ky History for 4th graders)
Art (Tuesday)
Spanish (Thursday)
Chapel/Small Group Discipleship